Bruno History

Bruno History

Bruno History covers the history in Bruno Planet. Here’s a timeline:

15,000,000 BCE
The Bruno Empire
10,000,000 BCE
Brugyptians (B.E. (Bruno Empire))
Others (B.E. (Bruno Empire)) | Note: They did not have a name, so to tell the difference between the Brugyptians and the others, the Bruno Empire started calling them the "Others." But, after a while, they didn't like it, and that's what's happening next.

The Bruno Empire

The Bruno Empire was the start of ALL Brunos.

Note to alert readers who don’t think “Brunos” is a word:

The Bructionary shows that:

Bructionary: Define “Brunos”

Brunos 2 results found

  1. Bruno noun | plural Brunos: A human on Bruno Planet who has powers. <A Bruno is not a person.>
  2. Bruno noun | plural Brunos: A currency in Bruno Planet (like dollars ($) in English.) <We have 7 Brunos.>

They invented the number system (now called the Bruno Empire (B.E.) Number System!

1    2    3     4     5   10    20    30    40      50    100   500     1,000     5,000   ...

b   bb   bbb   bbbb   r   u     uu    uuu  uuuu     n      o   ooooo      b!        r!    ...

The Brugyptians and The Others

The Brugyptians

They buried their people in pyrmaids.