1 + + 3 + 4 + + 7 + 8 + 9 = 40

Joey had 20 lolipops. He gave 5 lolipops to his best friend. He earned lolipops from his teacher. He had 25 lolipops in all.

A friend said his name had between 4 and 8 charecters and no "y"s. What could his/her name be?

Joey Alexander Jackson

A forest had 10,235 trees. Humans cut 1,735 trees and grew 500 saplings. How many trees were there?

There were trees.

1 Hello, spring! 14

2 Flowers bloom and trees grow leaves. 36

3 The tempreture rises. 21

4 Hello, spring! 14

5 Rainy days arrive... 20

6 Bye, spring! 12

7 We go to the beach. 19

8 Hello, summer! 14

How many charecters are there?

There are charecters.

What summer story has the same number of charecters as lines 1, 4, 6, and 8?

1 Hello, summer!

2 Who doesn't like to play in the beach?

3 There's sand in the beaches...

4 Hello, summer!

5 Big waves come and...

6 Bye, summer!

7 We'll wait until next year...

8 Hello, summer!

1 Hello, summer!

2 Who doesn't like to play in the beach?

3 There's sand in the beaches...

4 Hello, summer!

5 Big waves come and...

6 Bye, summer!

7 School starts and camp ends...

8 Hello, fall!