Hacker's Console

Support: Complete JavaScript expressions.

Change Score
scoreA = 1; // Change score of player A
scoreB = 1; // Change score of player B
Change Paddle Properties
// You can replace "paddleA" with "paddleB"
// in these examples.
paddleA.height = 10; // Change height
paddleA.width = 10; // Change width
paddleA.x = 10; // Change x position (breaks the game!)
paddleA.y = 10; // Change y position
Change Ball Properties
x = 10; // x position
y = 10; // y position
dx = 5; // horizontal speed (resets when you touch the wall)
dy = 5; // vertical speed (also resets)
Useful Constants & Functions
canvas // HTML canvas element
canvas.width // Canvas width
canvas.height // Canvas height

alert() // Display stuff using an annoying popup window.
document.write() // Display stuff, but replaces the whole website.